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Seminar: Legislating Reform of the War Powers

Published 22 Sep 2015

ANU Faculty of Law, Moot Court: 23 October 2015

9.00 – 4.30

Australia urgently needs to change the war powers that allow troops to be committed to conflicts abroad whenever and for whatever reason a prime minister chooses.  The invasion of Iraq in 2003 was a catastrophe, with the decision for Australia’s involvement shrouded in secrecy and lack of accountability.  By a similar undemocratic process, Australian forces are now re-deployed in Iraq and newly active in Syria.  The men and women of the Australian Defence Force deserve any proposal to send them to war to be exposed to much greater public scrutiny.

A growing number of Parliamentarians seek legislative change. To examine and support the process needed to bring it about, Australians for War Powers Reform (AWPR) will hold a seminar at ANU at which legal, defence, and international relations experts will discuss the options. The result will be a set of recommendations to Members and Senators to help in drafting legislation.

Anyone with an interest is welcome to attend, but numbers are limited. Please register in advance on the AWPR website:



Dr Alison Broinowski                                                                       Dr Sue Wareham

Vice President, AWPR                                                                    Secretary, AWPR