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Call for Applications: UN Youth Rep 2016

Published 20 Aug 2015

UN Youth has now opened applications for one of our most exciting opportunities, the Australian Youth Representative to the UN program.

UN Youth Australia is starting the search for Australia’s next Youth Representative to the United Nations. UN Youth is looking in all corners of our country for a young person eager to step up and take leadership on the issues you care most about. If you think you’ve got what it takes and are up for the challenge, UN Youth wants to hear from you.

Appointed in partnership with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Australian Youth Representative to the United Nations is the only position of its kind in the country. You will be in the role for a year, travelling across the country on a national listening tour to discover what matters most to young Australians. Based on your findings you will report back, sharing their stories in the media, with our national leaders and other influencers.

Then in October you will head to New York with the Australian delegation to the United Nations to present those issues to the UN General Assembly. In New York you will meet with global leaders, other youth representatives and international NGOs to continue fostering positive change at home and abroad.

Applications close on the 20 September 2015. Check out the position description and apply. 
The link for applications, and further information, can be found at