Advancing Australia Macedonia Relations - A Public Lecture Featuring the Macedonia’s Foreign Minister, Nikola Poposki
The Australian Institute of International Affairs in collaboration with the School of Government at the University of Melbourne and the United Macedonian Diaspora is pleased to host a public lecture featuring the Macedonia’s Foreign Minister, Nikola Poposki. The topic for the Minister’s speech will be ‘Advancing Australia Macedonia Relations’, followed by a Q&A session.
Time and Date: Wednesday 27th May 2015 6:15pm AEDT
Venue: Prest Theatre (alternative name: FBE Theatre 1, Room G06)
Location: Ground Floor, Business and Economics Building (Building Number: 105, Campus Map reference: P14)
111 Barry Street, Carlton
Enter the Business and Economics Building at 111 Barry St. The entrances to the theatre is on the ground floor, to your left, and are clearly sign-posted. Wheelchair lift next to steps requires key.
Further information campus map: