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If you would like to become a member, please click here. 

AIIA Victoria is a membership-based organisation which brings together people and organisations with an interest in international affairs. Members have the opportunity to interact in an open and impartial environment with leading business figures, academics, diplomats, the media, non-governmental organisations, policymakers and researchers.

Your membership makes it possible to organise more than 50 public programs every year, with individual members enjoying special reduced rates to events.

Membership is open to any Australian resident as well as businesses, organisations, diplomatic representatives, schools and those studying in Australia.

Membership Benefits:

  • The opportunity to meet others interested in international affairs, and to learn from speakers who are distinguished in their field
  • Newsletters with details of the regular program of speakers
  • The opportunity to participate in overseas study and leadership tours, including introductions to trade and diplomatic personnel
  • Australian Journal of International Affairs hard copies posted to your mailing address

Membership Rates effective 1st October 2024:

IndividualParticipation in all regular AIIA Victoria events/webinars at reduced rates, regular newsletter, subscription to the Australian Journal of International Affairs (AJIA) (five issues per annum)
ConcessionStandard benefits$140$240
DigitalOnline access to all AIIA Victoria events/webinars$75N/A
CorporateStandard benefits for all registered staff, priority invitations to Special Events, Exposure Opportunities

Corporate Membership Package


Young Professionals Memberships

Young ProfessionalsIdeal for tertiary students and early career professionals under the age of 35. Free entry to regular events at 356 Collins St. and webinars. Member rate entry to special events.$95N/A
Student Ideal for tertiary students. Free entry to regular events at 356 Collins St. and webinars. Member rate entry to special events.$75N/A

All rates are GST inclusive. (ABN 42 727 001 279)


Premium membership offers all the benefits of individual membership, plus free entry to all regular events. (It does not include free entry to special events such as dinners).

Concession membership is valid for retirees, individuals living overseas, and residents living more than 50km from metropolitan Melbourne.

Memberships are for 12 months, starting from date of joining.

Corporate Membership

Any not-for-profit organisation, business or government agency taking up Corporate Membership can nominate a number of staff members to receive individual membership benefits. Corporate Membership will confer free entry to regular Institute events on these individuals. The organisation must nominate a point of contact for coordination and nomination of staff. Please contact the Institute to arrange.

For full Corporate Membership please view our Corporate Membership Package