President's Desk
AIIA Tasmania Newsletter January 2025
Dear Fellow AIIA Tasmania members,
My best wishes to you on the new year.
The Tasmanian Branch Council is working hard to provide an engaging and distinctive program for 2025.
We start the year with a presentation from Professor Gretta Pecl AM on Tuesday 25 February 2025 (5.30pm for 6.00 pm) Law School Lecture Theatre 1, University of Tasmania, Sandy Bay “Climate change in Tasmania and beyond: impacts, adaptation and communication”
Gretta Pecl is a Professor of marine ecology at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS), and the Director of the Centre for Marine Socioecology (CMS) at UTAS. She has a specific expertise in how climate change is resulting in the climate-driven redistribution of life on earth, and she leads several national and international efforts to better understand climate-driven changes to species distributions, including the National multi award-winning citizen science initiative Redmap Australia and the Species on the Move international conference series. She is a Lead Author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) AR6 report and has a strong passion for science communication and engagement with the public. Gretta is ranked in the top 200 most influential climate scientists in the world (and the top 20 women).
Work is progressing in planning for our two headline events, the Plimsoll Lecture and the Government House Lecture. We will provide details on both as soon as possible.
Professor Marcus Haward
Tasmanian Branch
Australian Institute for International Affairs
28 January 2025