Vale Allan Gyngell AO FAIIA

The Australian Institute of International Affairs was saddened to hear of the death of its immediate past president, Allan Gyngell AO FAIIA.
In a statement released by AIIA President Heather Smith PSM FAIIA we note that “Sadly we have lost a great Australian. As one of our finest strategic thinkers, Allan dedicated his professional life to assisting Australian governments navigate foreign and strategic policy and then, as National President, to ensuring Australian’s were better informed on our place in the world.
“Throughout his distinguished career, Allan bought clarity, wisdom, insight, foresight and great humility to our national discussions. He had no hesitation in speaking truth to power. Our nation is poorer for his passing. The AIIA has been enriched by his leadership and I humbly seek to honour and build on his enormous legacy. Personally I have lost my great mentor and a very dear friend.”
The institute will be paying tribute to Allan with extended messages shortly, but our thoughts for now are with Catherine and family.