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Sustainable Development Goals in the Arctic Roundtable

Published 22 Jan 2018

On Wednesday 17th January the AIIA hosted the Sustainable Development Goals in the Arctic Roundtable, chaired by AIIA National Executive Director Melissa Conley Tyler and Founder and Director of the Polar Research Policy Institute (PRPI) Dr Dwayne Ryan Menezes.

The AIIA was delighted to welcome the Ambassador of Finland, His Excellency Mr Lars Backström, and the Ambassador of Denmark, His Excellency Mr Tom Nørring, along with other distinguished guests from the diplomatic corps, NGO representatives and researchers from the ANU and CSIRO.

The first session discussed the current state of the Arctic and highlighted the impact climate change is having on the region’s economy and security, as well as the way it will alter every day life for local populations.

The second session focused on how Australia can contribute to the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, both domestically and in the Arctic region, and drew parallels between the experiences of Australia and New Zealand’s indigenous communities and those in the Arctic.

The roundtable was an excellent opportunity for the AIIA and attendees to shed light on a region often overlooked by Australia and further highlight the importance of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals in addressing global issues.

The AIIA would like to thank Dr Dwayne Ryan Menezes for his support in organising and co-chairing the roundtable, as well as all those that attended.