Asia-Pacific Economic and Business History Conference

“Recovery and Rebuilding: Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Relief”
Papers and proposals for sessions are invited for the 2015 APEBH conference taking place 12-14 February 2015. The conference will be held in conjunction with the inter-disciplinary centre for excellence at UNSW Canberra – the Australian Centre for the Study of Armed Conflict and Society (ACSACS).
The main conference theme is Recovery and Rebuilding but the organisers are open to proposals for contributions on other topics in economic, social, and business history, as well as to proposals for sessions on particular themes. Researchers across a broad range of disciplines are warmly welcomed. Early career researchers are encouraged to participate. The conference organisers are particularly interested in attracting papers that examine developments in countries and regions in the Asia-Pacific region and papers that provide an international comparative perspective.
Abstracts, proposals for sessions and papers for refereeing or posting on the conference website should be emailed to all members of the programme committee.
A/Professor Jim McAloon,,
Professor Christopher Lloyd,
A/Professor Lionel Frost,
Professor Tom Frame, ACSACS, UNSW (Canberra),
Paper abstracts of one page may be submitted at any time up to the closing date of 30 November 2014. A decision on proposals will be made within a month of submission. Session proposals of one page may be submitted up to the same date, outlining the main objectives of the session and potential participants. You are not obliged to submit your full paper for refereeing. Complete versions of accepted papers should be sent to us by 3 February 2015 for posting on the conference website.
Some universities require staff attending conferences to have their papers refereed. If this is the case in your institution, please submit the full paper by the 30 November 2014 due date for the double blind refereeing process.
A conference paper prize will be awarded. A selection of papers (subject to the normal reviewing process and standards) may be published in Australian Economic History Review: An Asia-Pacific Journal of Economic, Business and Social History.
For more information, please contact Miesje de Vogel at 0425 799 784 or