Call for applications: 2015 Australian Youth Representative to the UN

UN Youth Australia is now fielding applications for the 2015 Australian Youth Representative to the United Nations.
Appointed in partnership with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), the Australian Youth Representative to the United Nations is the only position of its kind in the country. The Youth Representative will be in the role for a year, travelling across the country on a national listening tour to discover what matters most to young Australians. Based on their findings, they will report back, sharing their stories in the media, with our national leaders and other influencers. Then, they will complete a placement with DFAT in Canberra, and travel to the United Nations in New York, as a member of the Official Australian Delegation, to present their findings to the United Nations General Assembly. In New York, they will meet with global leaders, other youth representatives and international NGOs to continue fostering positive change at home and abroad.
To apply for the role, candidates will be required to submit their CV and a Statement of Intent addressing the Selection Criteria in the position description. This has been attached to this email. It will also be available on the website.
Please forward on this e-mail to any and all young people aged 18-25 who you think would be suitable for and interested in the role. The deadline for applications is 22 September 2014.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact National Youth Representation Director Arisha Arif at