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Australia, Multilateralism and MIKTA: Polis Seminar

Published 28 Aug 2017
AIIA National Executive Director Melissa Conley Tyler will present a seminar to Polis students at Deakin University on 8 September. The focus of the seminar is MIKTA, Australia’s latest foray into multilateralism. This grouping, whose name is an acronym for members Mexico, Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Turkey and Australia, has been holding meetings at foreign minister, senior official, and other levels since 2013. The grouping is a middle power response to the BRICS, and provides a useful case study of Australia’s continuing efforts to increase both its weight and reputation in the international community.
The seminar will take place at 1:30pm–3:00pm on 8 September, and will be held at Deakin’s Burwood Corporate Centre.