AIIA for WA hosts web event for New Colombo Plan participants
On 24 June 2020, the AIIA for WA held an online event titled “Young Leaders in International Affairs and the New Colombo Plan” The event was intended to promote a greater understanding of the New Colombo Plan and showcase the stories and experiences of students who have lived, studied and interned in the Indo-Pacific Region.
By the end of 2020, around 40,000 young Australians will have benefited from living, studying and undertaking work experience in the Indo-Pacific via the support of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade New Colombo Plan (NCP) scholarship program. This growing cohort of NCP Alumni will play an increasingly important role in Australia’s relationships with our neighbours and will be a key to our country’s future prosperity as an influential and diverse group of Australians with strong professional and personal networks across the Indo-Pacific region.
The event was followed with a special online networking session open only to NCP alumni and AIIA members. There were approximately 40 attendees who registered with 20+ people joining. There was a diverse audience of students, mid-career professionals and retirees from the fields of academia, business, industry and government, all with a shared passion for international affairs.