
In this section

What We Do

The mission of the AIIA is to promote an understanding of and interest in international affairs. This includes, amongst many topics, politics, economics and international law. AIIA Tasmania has a long and proud tradition of fulfilling our mission here in Tasmania which is continued today by an intellectually diverse and enthusiastic council of volunteers.

The Patron of AIIA Tasmania is Her Excellency Barbara Avalon Baker AC, Governor of Tasmania. The Governor hosts our annual Government House Lecture exclusively for members. Our other signature event is the annual Plimsoll Lecture which is hosted jointly with the University of Tasmania. We have a particularly positive and productive relationship with the university who provide invaluable support allowing us to co-badge a rich variety of events. Our other significant supporter is the Tasmania branch of DFAT whose senior officers are co-opted to the council.

If you are an existing member then the council would like to thank you for your loyal support and interest in what we do. If you are considering membership we have different categories some which include a printed copy of the Australian Journal of International Affairs, the key publication of AIIA. All members get online access to the journal, are subscribed to Australian Outlook which is a weekly analysis and commentary of international affairs, receive invitations to free Tasmanian events and webinars as well as invitations to events hosted by our other branches (Some of which attract a small fee), and discounted rates to the AIIA National Conference.

The world is a fascinating and at times a challenging place. But the AIIA Tasmania Council believes that makes the world so much more stimulating – a world to engage with!

NOTE: The current contact details of the Tasmania Branch are:
AIIA Tasmania
c/- 80 York Street
Sandy Bay TAS 7005